Why should you
join the Florida Coaster Club?
Florida Coaster Club began in January 1998 with 25 Charter Members. FLCC members are not just from Florida,
but many other states and even some foreign countries! Members gather regularly
to experience the thrill of riding roller coasters at theme and amusement
parks in Florida, out-of-state and internationally. Members from infancy to 80 years young enjoy the club and its informal, fun culture. Members occasionally receive
invitations to Media Day events, coaster construction tours and/or commercial filmings. The FLCC is always on the move to get the most for its members!!

Club members
receive the following:
Personalized laminated membership
Various local Central Florida events throughout the year (except December).
Invitations to participate in various Annual Theme Park sponsored events, like;
Holiwood Nights
Coaster Madness, etc.
Opportunities for exclusive construction tours of new
roller coasters.
Occasional Commercial filming opportunities.
The opportunity to meet
many others who share your enthusiasm for coasters, parks and rides.
Florida Coaster Club Membership Information
The Florida Coaster Club welcomes you, your family and
your friends to join in on all the fun!
Code of Conduct
Please Read
FLCC Membership Rates
A one person membership is $20 for one year.
Two people in the same household are $30 for 1-year.
You may add additional members. The rates are $10 per year for each member 16 and over, or $5 each
per year for the kids (5 through 15 please).
International memberships are $30 for single 1-one-year membership or
$45 for a double membership. You may add additional members. The rates are $15 per year for each member 16 and over, or $10 each per year for the kids (5 through 15 please).
Discounted two and three-year memberships are also available for all membership types.
For families and groups of five or more, please contact the
Membership Department for a discount rate.
Membership Package Delivery Time
Our Membership Department handles all processing of new and renewing
membership packages. Memberships are processed monthly. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Members with email receive a confirmation after their packages
have been mailed. During times when membership is required for scheduled
events, every effort is made to have paperwork and membership cards completed
and mailed on demand. Overnight mail via Fedex account is also available
(but expensive). Please send in your membership early.
Replacement Membership Cards
The cost to replace a Florida Coaster Club Membership Card is $3.00. Please
alert the Membership Department to make arrangements to receive your
new card in time for the next event.
Renewal of Memberships
We do not wish to have our members miss any opportunities because their membership has expired. Renewal notices are sent via e-mail beginning two months prior to expiration. Your expiration is the last day of the month noted on your card. If renewals are not received by the expiration date, membership is considered expired. To renew your membership go to the
sign-up page.
Changes of Name, Street Address, Email or Telephone Number
Notifying the
Membership Department of changes to your primary membership
information is the responsibility of the member(s). If, during your membership,
we cannot get in touch with you in three attempts via email (if applicable),
telephone and snail mail, you are still considered an active member in
the FLCC until your membership has expired, or you resurface. Please forward
updated contact information to:
Ready to take the plunge?
Let's go ... Go to the Our PayPal Sign-Up
or you can print and mail a paper version of the Membership Registration form:
(USA form -
International form.)
We hope to meet you soon!